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IPA Contest w pierwszy weekend listopada
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Uwe DL8KCG zaprasza nas do udziału w corocznym IPA Contest, który organizawany jest przez International Police Association Radio Club (IPARC). Regulamin podajemy poniżej.

3 3.  I P A  -  R A D I O  -  C L U B  -  C O N T E S T

The International Police Association Radio Club (IPARC) invites all radio-amateurs of the world to take part in the IPARC-Contest which takes place every year on the first weekend in November.

1. Modes and times:
 CW 01. Nov. 2008 0600 - 1000 UTC  and  1400 - 1800 UTC
 SSB 02. Nov. 2008 0600 - 1000 UTC  and 1400 - 1800 UTC

2. Bands:   CW    SSB
 80 m     3500 -   3560 khz    3700 -   3800 khz
 40 m     7000 -   7040 khz    7040 -   7100 khz
 20 m   14000 - 14060 khz  14125 - 14300 khz
 15 m   21000 - 21100 khz  21155 - 21300 khz
 10 m   28000 - 28100 khz  28250 - 28600 khz

 After QSY it is obligate to stay 15 minutes on the new band.
 There are no contest qso allowed outside of the above-mentioned frequency ranges!

3. Categories:
 - A - Multi/Multi, Multi/Single, every club-station and special event station
 - B - Single Op / Single TRX (personal call-sign only, no assistance)
 - C - SWL
 Remarks:  No differentiation between members of IPARC and non-members.
   The class must be seen from the log.
   Winners are the first three stations of each class.

4. Calling: CQ IPA Contest

5. Exchange:
 RS(T) + current number, each mode beginning with 001.
 Members of IPARC in addition "IPA", IPARC-members of USA also their state.
 Exchanging a rapport is allowed once on every band and in every mode.
Generally, it is allowed to operate only with one call-sign. Exchanging two rapports with club-stations and in addition their operators is allowed for award hunting, but does count only once for the contest.

6. Points:
 - QSO-points: each QSO 1 point, each IPARC-station 5 points.
 - Multiplier: each DXCC with IPARC-station / US-State with IPARC-station 1 point on each band.
 - Score:  each band: summary of QSO-points multiplied by summary of multi-points
 - final result: summary of all bands

7. Closing date:  31. December 2008 (date as per postmark)

8. Contest-manager: Uwe Greggersen, DL8KCG, Hurststr. 9, 51645 Gummersbach, Germany
    Email: dl8kcg(at)darc.de

9. Remarks: The list with the final result will be published in Packet Radio,
Internet (www.iparc.de) or is available against SAE + IRC.
   This contest is a good chance to work the Sherlock-Holmes-Awards and Sherlock-   Holmes-Trophies. It is not longer required to work the awards step by step!

   More infos are available from the award-manager:
   Horst Roemer, DL1GBP, Theodor-Fontane-Str. 25, 17489 Greifswald, Germany

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