Dodane przez sp2jmr dnia 2018-03-26 / 11:53 Zobacz więcej tematów w tej kategorii newsów Pokaż wszystkie kategorie newsów
Łączność w ramach ARISS mozliwa do odbioru w Polsce
Na wtorek, 27 marca 2018 roku, około godz. 17.41 UTC zaplanowano łączność ARISS z astronautą na pokładzie ISS. Astonauta Scott Tingle KG5NZA ma odpowiadać na pytania uczniów z Freeport Public Schools w Freeport, stan Nowy York w USA. Informujemy o tym wydarzeniu, ponieważ połączenie radiowe ze stacja kosmiczną będzie realizowane przez naziemną stację ARISS zlokalizowana we Włoszech, posługującą się znakiem IK1SLD. Uczestnicy zadadzą tak wiele z następujących pytań, na ile wystarczy im czasu. Poniżej pytania przygotowane przez mentora ARISS:
1. Lesley (15): If an astronaut gets a bacterial infection, do antibiotics work in space as they do on Earth? 2. Jayden (13): Could you describe the r16;SUPVIS Justinr17; experiment you conducted on March 2 and the next steps in this work 3. Sarah (12): How has your perspective about the Earth changed as a result of your trip to the Space Station? 4. Jonavan (10): What are the duties of a typical astronaut on his/her first day in space? 5. Johan (10): Does the immune system become impaired after a prolonged stay in space? 6. Gabriela (10): What does it look like from space when seasons are changing? 7. Ava (10): How does age effect how the body reacts in space? 8. Giovanni (12): What are the uses of the robotic arm? 9. Brenna (14): You plan to do one or more spacewalks in your trip aboard the ISS. Could you describe the biggest challenge you face in such missions? 10. Adisa (16): How often and how does ISS adjust its trajectory to maintain a constant orbit? 11. Lesley (15): If astronauts leave the Earth at around 17,000 mph why does it take so long to reach the ISS located approximately 250 miles above the Earth? 12. Jayden (13): I know you like fluid mechanics. Could you describe the fluid mechanics experiments you are involved in? 13. Sarah (12): Has the ISS National Laboratory found any possible organisms that can survive the harsh conditions of space for a prolonged period of time? 14. Jonavan (10): What would happen if you got sick in space? 15. Johan (10): You will be doing a number of experiments aboard the ISS. Could you describe one that interests you the most? 16. Gabriela (10): How can we help pets to survive in outer space for longer periods of time? 17. Ava (10): What are the effects of blood rushing to astronautsr17; heads in a microgravity environment? 18. Giovanni (12): You were one of the first responders in the September 2001 terrorist attacks. Could you describe your role? 19. Brenna (14): Knowing there is debris in space can you describe briefly how ISS detects objects moving toward the station? 20. Adisa (16): Due to varying laws governing research in various countries, does each country work solely on their own project or are projects codependent?
Na podstawie Biuletynu ARISS przygotował: Armand Budzianowski SP3QFE mentor ARISS oraz Sławek Szymanowski SQ3OOK Koordynator PZK ds. ARISS
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