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Mega ekspedycje - statystyki dzienne QSO
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Polskie ekspedycje DX

Na stronach German DX Foundation (GDXF) opublikowano pierwszą dwudziestkę megaekspedycji wszechczasów (Ilości QSO/dzień i QSO/dzień/operatora)

Tabele pokazują krókofalarskie ekspedycje, które przeprowadziły największą liczbę łączności na dzień trwania ekspedycji (całkowita liczba QSO ekspedycji / ilość dni trwania ekspedycji),  na operatora (całkowita liczba QSOs / liczbę operatorów * ilość dni trwania ekspedycji) i najwyższą liczbę tzw. Unique QSO / dzień pracy ekspedycji i operatora.

Warte uwagi jest, że jedyną polską ekspedycją w zestawieniu jest wyprawa T31T z 2016 roku zorganizaowana przez Rebel DX Group (3Z9DX & Co.), która plasuje się odpowiednio na 12. i 5. miejscu w rankingu (tabele 2. i 3.) Rekord wszechczasów dla polskich ekspedycji krótkofalarskich (rekord ilości łączności) należy natomiast do wyprawy 5T0SP ( Mauretania, 2012) – 84 tysiące łączności! Gratulacje!

[info: GDXF]

Top Twenty QSOs per day

Callsign DXCC Entity Year OPs Days QSOs Uniques Q/Day
TX5K flag fr Clipperton Island 2013 24 8 113,601 24,480 14,200
VP6DX pn flag Ducie Island 2008 13 17 183,686 38,947 10,805
FO0AAA fr flag Clipperton Island 2000 12 7 75,104 23,000 10,729
NH8S us flag Swains Island 2012 18 10 105,455 26,010 10,546
TX0DX gb flag Chesterfield Islands 2000 9 7 72,654 22,893 10,379
3D2C fj flag Conway Reef 2012 19 7 71,693 19,531 10,242
7O6T ye flag Yemen 2012 15 16 162,029 37,863 10,127
N8S us flag Swains Island 2007 17 12 116,872 30,198 9,739
VU4AN/* in flag Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2006 69 9 86,000 n/a 9,556
FT5ZM fr flag St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands 2014 14 18 170,010 36,302 9,445
K1N us flag Navassa Island 2015 15 15 140,004 35,649 9,334
FT4JA fr flag Juan de Nova and Europa 2016 10 12 105,597 25,045 8,800
K4M us flag Midway Island 2009 19 7 60,787 18,438 8,684
K1B us flag Baker and Howland Islands 2002 13 11 94,771 26,634 8,616
3B7C mu flag Agalega and St. Brandon 2007 20 16 137,500 33,760 8,594
VP8SGI gs flag South Georgia Island 2016 13 10 82,847 21,734 8,285
3D2R fj flag Rotuma 2011 18 8 66,186 19,665 8,273
ZL8X nz flag Kermadec Islands 2010 14 18 148,571 31,219 8,254
1A0C (2012) 1a flag Sov. Mil. Order of Malta 2012 13 5 40,960 14,427 8,192
K5K us flag * Kingman Reef 2000 15 10 80,836 17,863 8,084
Top Twenty QSOs per day and operator
Callsign DXCC Entity Year OPs Days QSOs Uniques Q/Day/OP
YA5MM af flag Afghanistan 1992 2 13 32,000 n/a 1,231
E44DX ps flag Palestine 1999 4 7 33,775 n/a 1,206
TX0DX gb flag Chesterfield Islands 2000 9 7 72,654 22,893 1,153
E44/HA1AG ps flag Palestine 1999 4 9 40,431 15,341 1,123
TT8TT td flag Chad 2012 6 11 71,803 20,703 1,088
ZS9Z/ZS1 za flag * Penguin Island 1990 4 8 33,264 16,407 1,040
CY0MM ca flag Sable Island 2002 4 12 49,513 n/a 1,032
AA4NC/KP1 us flag Navassa Island 1992 5 7 34,623 n/a 989
AH3C/KH5J us flag Palmyra and Jarvis Islands 1990 8 7 55,000 n/a 982
D68BT, D68WL km flag Comoros 2001 2 16 31,000 n/a 969
VP6T pn flag Pitcairn Island 2012 5 12 56,287 17,049 938
T31T (2016) ki flag Central Kiribati 2016 3 11 30,396 10,761 921
T33R, T33T ki flag Banaba 1990 3 12 33,000 n/a 917
YA0RR af flag Afghanistan 1991 2 17 31,128 n/a 916
1S0XV, 1S1RR 00 flag Spratly Islands 1990 4 12 43,265 n/a 901
FO0AAA fr flag Clipperton Island 2000 12 7 75,104 23,000 894
FT4JA fr flag Juan de Nova and Europa 2016 10 12 105,597 25,045 880
XF4L mx flag Revillagigedo Islands 1989 8 7 47,943 n/a 856
FR/F6KDF/T fr flag Tromelin Island 2000 4 15 51,046 17,270 851
FT4TA fr flag Tromelin Island 2014 7 12 71,335 18,434 849

Top Twenty Unique callsigns worked per day and operator

Callsign DXCC Entity Year OPs Days QSOs Uniques U/Day/OP
ZS9Z/ZS1 za flag * Penguin Island 1990 4 8 33,264 16,407 513
E44/HA1AG ps flag Palestine 1999 4 9 40,431 15,341 426
T30R ki flag Western Kiribati 1999 3 16 35,050 18,160 378
TX0DX gb flag Chesterfield Islands 2000 9 7 72,654 22,893 363
T31T (2016) ki flag Central Kiribati 2016 3 11 30,396 10,761 326
T32RD ki flag Eastern Kiribati 2001 3 20 41,176 19,287 321
H7DX ni flag Nicaragua 2002 3 16 34,265 15,113 315
TT8TT td flag Chad 2012 6 11 71,803 20,703 314
TN2T cg flag Congo 2012 6 10 50,545 17,559 293
MU/PA9M gg flag Guernsey 2011 7 8 34,281 16,385 293
T2GC tv flag Tuvalu 2015 2 21 35,161 12,238 291
FR/F6KDF/T fr flag Tromelin Island 2000 4 15 51,046 17,270 288
VP6T pn flag Pitcairn Island 2012 5 12 56,287 17,049 284
S04R eh flag Western Sahara 2009 8 6 37,005 13,476 281
FT5ZH fr flag St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands 1998 2 25 32,065 14,000 280
FO0AAA fr flag Clipperton Island 2000 12 7 75,104 23,000 274
5M2TT lr flag Liberia 2011 5 14 57,767 19,140 273
ST0RY sd flag Sudan 2003 5 12 48,064 16,040 267
6O0CW so flag Somalia 2012 6 12 53,029 18,284 254
CY9M ca flag St. Paul Island 2012 10 5 33,226 12,690 254

Mega DXpedition QSO per Day Records
These tables list the Top Twenty Mega DXpeditions having made the highest number of QSOs per day (Total number of QSOs / days of operation), highest number of QSOs per day and operator (QSOs / (number of operators * days of operation)) and the highest number of Unique QSOs per day and operator. These lists can show the efficiency of a DXpedition as a result of good planning, preparation, operators and equipment.

There is some caution needed with these figures. A tent-and-generator DXpedition needs a day or more to build the camp and another day for the teardown. K1N Navassa for example has logged 140,000 QSOs in 15 days (equals 9,333 Q/day) but only 58 QSOs on the first day of operation and 1,240 QSOs on the last day. If you subtract the first and the last day the Q/day rate would be 10,670. That means the actual rate is higher during full operation. But we do not have or collect all of these data. In all cases subtract a minimum of two days from the operation total.

Another aspect not to forget are the different types and skills of the DXpedition team members. There are very skilled operators who love to handle huge pileups. Others prefer to help with the construction of the station and antennas and to fix things to keep the pileup specialists going. Another statistic that is impossible to compare meaningfully.

Another note to the Unique callsigns worked per day and operator list. We have the number of unique QSOs available of only 169 of all 264 Mega DXpeditions but not for example of YA5MM and E44DX. Very large (over 100k) Mega DXpeditions typically run low on unique callsigns to work. So, these tables show trends, but can not ever show a complete picture.

Dane zaczerpnięto z: http://www.gdxf.de/megadxpeditions/qsosperday.php

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