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Silent Key Memorial Contest
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ZawodySilent Key Memorial Contest

W związku ze zbliżającym się Dniem Wszystkich Świętych celem uczczenia na pasmach pamięci krótkofalowców, których nie ma już wśród nas krótkofalowcy węgierscy organizują każdego roku w tym szczególnym dniu zawody (1 listopada 0600-0859 UTC, pasmo 80 i 40 m, praca tylko emisją CW). Biorąc udział w tych zawodach można wspomnieć Koleżanki i Kolegów, których stacje już milczą, szczególnie tych co odeszli w ostatnim roku, a ich znaki wywoławcze na ten krótki czas zawodów będą znów słyszane w eterze.

info: Jacek SQ3OPM

To the memory of our late radio amateur friends

* Silent Key Memorial Contest *

All radio amateurs of the world are kindly invited to take part in a friendly HF contest to remember all highly esteemed ham friends who passed away (sk) so their call signs may not have sounded on bands any longer.
As to their call signs concerned could they be heard once again?
To make those "Silent Key" call signs, as many as possible, resound we welcome you, even though you have a reissued sk call sign, to participate in the contest as well as your activity in propagating the SKM Contest and its rules to your ham friends.


Name of contest: SKMC
Objective: To remember our late ham friends you are to contact as many stations as you can while collecting multipliers of resounded r0;Silent Keyr1; call signs sent in reports as well as of ITU zones.
Time and date: 0600 UTC November 01 to 0859 UTC November 01 every year.
Mode: CW only
Calling: CQ SKM
Bands: 80m and 40m (3510-3560 kHz and 7010-7040 kHz in Region 1, others according to their own Region)
Categories: SOAB LP (Single operator, all bands, max 150 watts out)
SOAB HP (Single operator, all bands, max 1.5 kW out)
MOAB HP (Multi operator, all bands, max 1.5 kW out)
Exchange: You can freely choose either
- RST + ITU zone (579 28) or
- RST + a "Silent Key" call sign to remember in this contest; (599 HA6NA, 599 K8DD).
Remark: Many silent key call signs have been reissued up to now. The active stations having an earlier sk call sign can join the contest and they can choose their own call sign in their report to remember the sk predecessor.
General rule: the same report is to be sent during one contest period. Next time you can make your choice again.
QSO points: own country 1 point, own continent 3 points, other continents 5 points. Stations received with sk call sign in report worth 1 point added to the above QSO points.
Multipliers: Total sum of worked ITU zones per band + total sum of worked "Silent Key" call signs per band.
There may be stations choosing the same "Silent Key" call sign in their report. The same rSilent Keyr1; call sign logged from different stations counts only once per band as multiplier.
Scoring: Sum of QSO points multiplied by sum of valid multipliers results the final score.
Reporting: Cabrillo log is accepted only. Log should contain participant's email address in the summary sheet (EMAIL: ) and be sent to silentkeyc32@gmail.com as attachment (named: Yourcall.cbr) till December 1 of the actual year. Subject line should contain Yourcallsign Yourcategory (HA6NL SOHP)
Awarding: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places of each category receive a special gift, all participants receive an e-diploma.

All IARU HF World Championship compatible log programs can be used
(eg. UCX-log, N1MM, WinTest). The point and multiplier system is the same and the "Silent key" call signs correspond to HQ stations. Never forget to add bonus point if sk call sign received in report!

Join to remember our sk ham friends!

HA6NL and HA7PL Contest Managers
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