EmCom PZK w informacjach IARU
Dodane przez SP9XWM dnia 2019-10-24 / 20:21
Na stronie IARU R1 pod adresem https://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php/emergency-communications/1908-emergency-communications-meeting-friedrichshafen-2019 ukazała się informacja o aktywności SP EmCom podczas HamRadio 2019 we Friedrichshaffen:
"Mike SP9XWM and Cris SP7WME spoke about the use of new technology in exercises in Poland. There was then an Open Discussion on what use we could make of Satellites and other new modes for Emergency Communications. Discussing Low Earth Orbit as well as Geostationary satellites, HF conditions and weak signal message modes ( e.g. JS8call )."
Bezpośredni link do prezentacji: http://beta.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/SP-EmCom-PZK-HF2019.pptx
[info: Greg G0DUB - IARU R1 Emergency Communication Coordinator]