"General calling for International Polar Year"
Dodane przez SP1THJ dnia 2007-06-07 / 14:06
Informacja otrzymana od operatora stacji CQ4IPY:

Dear Friends!
It's a Great Pleasure and Honoured Working for this Project!
Radio Transmissions on Short wave starting 1st Period on June 9th until 15Th and 2nd Period from 8th to 14TH September. You can take a look what's "CQ means "General calling" 4TH" for" IPY is International Polar Year CQ4IPY is Unique and was licensed by ANACOM Portuguese Autority for Comunications.
This is a GLOBAL ALERT The International Polar Year (IPY) is a global effort to focus the world's attention and research resources on the Polar Regions. The WEB still in updated but you can take a look here: http://www.cq4ipy.bravehost.com/
Thanking in advance and Kind Regards

Manuel Marques (Radio Operator CQ4IPY)